
Date:  May 11, 2024

In just a few days’ time, Leah Sharibu will turn 21 years old. Will you stand alongside her and others who share her plight, in prayer? 

As many of you know, Leah has already spent her 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th birthdays in captivity. She is being held by terrorists who declared her a ‘slave for life’, but we declare freedom over her in Jesus’ name. 

You’re invited to join our global prayer gathering on Tuesday 14 May, 7.30pm (UK time). Led by the CSW Nigeria team, we will pray once again for Leah’s freedom – and for the countless others like her who have been abducted in Nigeria.

We have been praying and advocating together for many years now, ever since Leah was taken from her school in February 2018. Every year, we lament at the time that has been stolen from Leah and her family. And each year is a reminder that we must not forget; we must not give up; we must not lose heart.

Let us raise our voices with fresh faith that we will not have to pray the same prayers next year; that we would instead be able to lift up a shout of praise and thanksgiving at what the Lord has accomplished.

Sign up to join us: 

Here is a prayer you can use by yourself, or share with your church communities and small groups:

The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

Heavenly Father, 

Today we remember Leah and countless others like her who have been abducted in Nigeria.

We pray that they will soon be returned to those who love them; for their healing, their restoration and the rebuilding of their lives. 

As we read in Psalm 27, Lord, would you bring light to the places where they are held. Cause all fear to flee, and cause the perpetrators to 'stumble and fall'.

Arise, O God, and intervene in miraculous ways so that justice will prevail. We call on you to turn their situation around. Nothing is too hard for you!

We speak freedom for Leah, and freedom for many who are in the same situation today. May they, and Nigeria, be delivered.

In Jesus’ name, 
