
Date:  May 10, 2024


United Kingdom (International Christian Concern) — According to a new study, the Chinese Church is now the fastest-growing church in the United Kingdom.

The study, sponsored by the British and Foreign Bible Society, was part of a research project for the London School of Theology examining the large influx of Hong Kong families into the U.K. from 2021 to 2023. It found that more than 200,000 Hong Kong immigrants arrived in the U.K. during that period, primarily driven by the 2019 pro-democracy protests and the increasing influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong society and even local churches.

Yinxuan Huang, a sociologist of religions who conducted the study, found that the average annual growth rate of Hong Kong/Chinese Christians was almost 29% during these three years. More than 32 Hong Kong/Chinese churches, congregations, or Christian organizations started operating during this same three-year period.

“This is an exciting time for the Chinese Church in Britain,” Huang said. “It is seeing a time of incredible growth, which is also a missional opportunity as others from within the Chinese community are drawn to the church. It is also a time when local, English-speaking congregations can welcome people from Hong Kong to their services. There is a real opportunity for growth, but also for learning from each other.”

 HOW TO PRAY: Pray for continued growth in this community. Praise God for blessing this community in recent years. Pray for them to shine the light of the gospel into neighboring communities.