
Date:                           May 17, 2024



Pastor released after detention 
Rock Bible Church Pastor Huang Lei was released on May 9th after a 15-day administrative detention for his Christian faith. Local officials have raided several churches in Yueyang, Hunan as part of a crackdown against the Gospel. Here's a photo of Pastor Huang standing joyfully after release.

Pray for Pastor Huang and his family. 

Prayer for Tiananmen Square anniversary
Hong Kong Christians have drafted a prayer and launched a signature campaign related to the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Read the full prayer on our website.

Pray for all affected by the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. 

Pastor responds to church conflict
Ganquan Church Pastor Zhou Songlin asserted that he and Elder Ding Zhongfu are facing political persecution, amid church divisions over the hiring of defense lawyers. Read the letter Pastor Zhou wrote and how Communist officials have detained church members on suspicion of 'fraud.'

Pray for Yang and his persecutors. 


  • Be sure to follow ChinaAid on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to see news, important updates, and media appearances. Bob also has his own Twitter account where he shares important news & human rights updates.

  • Christianity Today interviews Pastor John Cao, who shares how the Scriptures, prayer, and the love of his mom gave him hope while he was jailed. 

  • Mayflower Church members held a cooking demonstration for residents of the Manor Park retirement home in Midland Texas last weekend. Members are so grateful to volunteer their time to give back to the community!


We'd love to join in prayer for you and your loved ones! Please visit our Freedom To Pray Website to share your prayer request via our online form. 

Keep scrolling down on the Freedom To Pray prayer initiative to sign up and join with others committed to praying for all those religiously oppressed in China. 


If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions for these weekly updates, please email Julian at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). You can make a gift to let the persecuted know they are not alone by clicking here. Learn how you can make a non-cash gift to ChinaAid.