
Date:                           June 24, 2024


It's always an amazing blessing when our media team is able to report about a prisoner jailed for their faith in Christ. after years of silence.
Shanxi house church Pastor Du Mingliang was jailed for his faith on a fake 'illegal border crossing' charge and sentenced to five years behind bars in 2021.
Thanks to your partnership and prayers, we've been able to receive news about Pastor Du. Isn't it amazing that his wife visited the prison, and Pastor Du said he was doing fine?  What a testimony to Pastor Du's faith as he endures an unjust sentence.
Sadly, Pastor Du's wife Wei Xiuping has not been able to care for herself for years. She suffered a stroke after her husband was arrested. But fellow Christians have visited each day and night for years to comfort and take care of her! 

Please keep Pastor Du, his wife, fellow church members, and their persecutors in your prayers.
It's always encouraging when the amazing testimonies of the persecuted faithful are shared. Especially of prisoners who the Communist Party tries their best to block news about. 
If you agree, please consider partnering so our team can support Christians like Pastor Du as best we can.

Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President