Editor’s note:  None of the four candidates secured more than 50% of the vote in Friday’s election, prompting a second round on July 5. 


Iran (MNN) — The shadows of conflict, proxy wars, and economic trouble hangs over the winner of Iran’s snap elections.

On Friday, voters were to elect a new leader to replace former president Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in May.   However, no one had a clear win, which prompted a run-off on July 5.  Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says, “It is a case of a parent saying to their child, ‘Do you want to put your shoes on or shall I?’  The final outcome has been decided; you’re giving an illusion of choice.”

It’s not a question of which hardliner takes office but rather the degree of the hard line. Silk explains, “Iran has its fingers in terrorist activity right across the Middle East. So Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi; now we’re hearing words of Iran stretching into Sudan.”

“Iran is being very strategic in putting allies and terrorist organizations in place outside of its borders that can do its bidding.”

To that end, the new administration’s impact has been the crux of many urgent calls to prayer. A ministry leader in Lebanon reported that “the elections in Iran are his top priority prayer because what happens in Iran will change everything in the whole Middle East, not only in Lebanon.”

Iran’s Hezbollah backing in Lebanon has dragged the country to the brink of war with Israel. That’s unlikely to change, adds Silk. “They (Iran’s government) have been very open and say that they want to wipe out Israel. That has been their agenda right from the beginning. They haven’t hidden it.”

She urges believers to pray urgently, being mindful of Iran’s influence in the region. Even as the overt hostility continues with propaganda scenes of school children learning that America and Israel are the ‘Great and Little Satan,’ something has shifted.  “The Iranian people have recognized the fallacy here and don’t want the agenda their government is pushing, but the government is still focused on that as an end game.”

As Iran’s future hangs in the balance, people want hope to counter the bleakness of their daily lives. Transform Iran’s team answers that search for hope, whose sole focus is bringing the hope of Christ to Iran. Their team has decades of experience in church planting, discipleship, leadership development, strategic thinking, and more.   

Iran may see little political change in a new administration, but the change comes from inside. Silk urges us to ask God to intervene in Iran. Pray for God’s mercy, protection, and kingdom to grow.  

Most importantly, pray for the new administration. She is praying boldly for a Damascus Road conversion for the new president and the sitting government. We can join her in praying that Jesus appears to them in their dreams and visions and turns their hearts.

“The Bible tells us that He turns the hearts of kings like the course of rivers; He adjusts them as He wants,” Silk says. “So let’s pray that He does these incredible, miraculous things and turns his country to himself.”


Photo by Michael Bayazidi on Pexels.