
Date:                            July 9, 2024


Communist officials launched a brutal crackdown against rights defenders and lawyers nine years ago today.
On July 9th, 2015, nearly 300 people were summoned and questioned across China. Authorities also claimed a leading law firm in China famous for handling human rights cases, and lawyers connected to it, were a "major criminal gang." 

The harsh persecution became known as the '709 Crackdown.' Many across the world expressed outrage. Especially when reports of torture and inhumane treatment emerged as part of efforts by officials to obtain the information they wanted. 
Terrible persecution still continues even nine years after the 709 Crackdown!
Many lawyers still face restrictions, close surveillance, and are forced to move to different locations due to pressure. 

But did you know that you also brought a lot of hope and comfort to families of those persecuted in the '709 Crackdown?' Back in 2022, you helped sponsor a summer camp for US-based family members of these persecuted lawyers, in West Texas!
Eight campers were baptized after a week of fellowship, spiritual renewal, and Bible study. Many who had endured persecution from the Communist Party received counseling and prayer.  
And all of the attendees formed a '709 family' to walk with the Lord together, support each other, and continue to advocate for those who face persecution across China. What an amazing testimony! 

Today on the 9th anniversary of the 709 Crackdown, please keep all who face persecution and their families in your prayers. And if your heart is stirred to support Chinese lawyers as they represent Christian clients and defend those unjustly charged, a gift to ChinaAid's Legal Defense fund would be such a blessing!
Serving the persecuted with you

Bob Portrait Square

Bob Fu, ChinaAid President