Lebanon (MNN) — Families in northern Israel are calling for an official war against Hezbollah. Fighting for the North, a group representing hundreds of Israeli families is planning nationwide demonstrations on Sunday.

Meanwhile, in Lebanon, “All the threats are mounting; we’re not sure what’s going to happen,” Nuna with Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says.

“We don’t know if we’ll wake up to a full-size war tomorrow, or [will it] be contained in the south? The fear and the stress are really high.”

Tit-for-tat fighting between Israel and Hezbollah escalated following the targeted killing of a Hezbollah commander. Nine months of bombings in southern Lebanon have taken a toll.

“People are not doing okay,” Nuna says. “You can see it from the way they drive [and] talk to each other; they’re on the brink of always shouting and cursing because of all the stress and fear inside them.”

TM Lebanon offers the hope of Jesus to families who fled southern Lebanon and found shelter in Beirut. Find ways to help here, and pray for perseverance.

“All the people on the ground are under heavy stress. Pastors and many people are considering quitting [because] this is too hard,” Nuna says.

“Pray for us that we would rely on the strength of God because we cannot rely on our own strength or our old strategies. We need to be in that place of trusting Him to lead us through the unknown.”


Header image depicts an aid distribution in Beirut. (Photo courtesy of TM Lebanon)