CIC Persecution News Headlines

 News of persecution, human rights violations, and other articles of interest.If one member suffers, all the members suffer …
 1 Corinthians 12:26a


Please pray for:**Pastor Wally, Matilda and Preshus Joy and family
**Our Houses of Prayer Leaders and Participants
**Our intercessors who receive our persecution news
**Members of the Crisis Prayer Team
**The volunteer staff of CIC


PERSECUTION NEWS HEADLINES - for the week ending May 18, 2024

Pray now "as though imprisoned with them"

Imprisoned, held without trial and separated from their families for decades, many of our Christian brothers and sisters endure persecution simply for proclaiming the Good News of Christ

Please pray for 6 imprisoned pastors in Eritrea

This year, six senior Eritrean church leaders will begin their 20th year in arbitrary detention.

China This Week: Pastor released after 15-day detention

Rock Bible Church Pastor Huang Lei was released on May 9th after a 15-day administrative detention for his Christian faith. Local officials have raided several churches in Yueyang, Hunan as part of a crackdown against the Gospel. 

India: From headhunters to Christ followers: An unreached peoples story

If we don’t take the Gospel, who will? 3 billion people today have no way to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Commercial airline resumes flights to Northern Haiti

On May 13, the Haitian National Police (HNP) said security concerns had resolved enough to reopen the Toussaint Louverture International Airport and gradually resume commercial flights.


Two Underground Church Leaders Face Serious Health Issues in Chinese Prison

Since two leaders of Ganquan Church in Hefei, Anhui, were arrested last fall, their wives and members of their church family have pleaded for their release. 

Houthis team up with Al-Qaeda in Yemen

 An unexpected pair poses a new threat to Yemen. 

Iranian Christians face systematic oppression and persecution

Believers from a Muslim background face renewed pressure in Iran.

ADF Militants Kill 11 Christians, Kidnap  Others in DRC’s Ituri Province

At about 8 p.m. on Monday, May 13, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) carried out a brutal attack in Ndimo village, Ituri province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 

Justice Denied Christian Woman Cast into Chaff Cutter in Pakistan

Police refuse to prosecute influential Muslim employer.

Study Shows Explosive Growth among Chinese Churches in the U.K.

According to a new study, the Chinese Church is now the fastest-growing church in the United Kingdom.

Türkiye Converts Byzantine Chora Church Museum into a Mosque

After four years of renovations, Türkiye has converted the ancient Byzantine Chora Church in the heart of Istanbul into a mosque. 

High Court Rules in Favor of Christian Burial Rights in India

In a landmark decision that will have ramifications across India regarding the burial rights of Christians, the High Court of Chhattisgarh in Central India ruled in late April that a man has the right to Christian burial on his own land.

Two Underground Church Leaders Face Serious Health Issues in Chinese Prison

Since two leaders of Ganquan Church in Hefei, Anhui, were arrested last fall, their wives and members of their church family have pleaded for their release.

USCIRF News Digest - May 14, 2024

USCIRF Releases New Report on Protection of Religious Sites During Armed Conflict

This report provides an overview of international humanitarian law’s protections for religious sites in conflict zones.

Christians, Others Increasingly Targeted in Plateau State, Nigeria

Amnesty International reports 1,336 people killed in three months.

USCIRF Highlights Religious Freedom Violations in Eritrea Amidst Two Decades of Pastors’ Imprisonment

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) urges the Biden administration to bring greater attention to religious freedom violations in Eritrea.

FARMS supports Christians as India’s anti-conversion laws ramp up

The U. S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has recommended that India be designated as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC).

How should Christians remember the Holocaust?

Holocaust Remembrance Day was last week Monday, honoring the lives of six million Jews murdered by Nazi Germany.

Muslim Family Disrupts Christian Worship in Indonesia

Local official, wife and son yell bad names at house church members.



PLEASE NOTE: Out of concern for the security and safety of the ministries and individuals mentioned in ourPersecution News Headlines,

it is the policy of Christians In Crisis (CIC) to conceal specific names or locations of our contacts.

Ministries that are commended by authorities or located in secure areas may be named.


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